Conquering Your C-Section Course

 Are you wanting a roadmap for your first 6 weeks of recovery after your c-section? 

Are you a veteran c-section mama who never fully recovered from your past c-section(s)?

Are you currently planning a c-section and want to have all the tools to hasten your recovery from Day 1?

Are you hoping for a VBAC? Working through your scar and healing your muscles is a MUST for  trying for one!

This course is for YOU whether you are a to be, newly, or veteran c-section mama!
I'm Ready To Start My Journey

 Hi There!

I'm Dr. Nicole! I am a Board Certified Pelvic Floor Specialist, Physical Therapist, and Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist

And A Veteran C-Section Mama Myself

I've been in your shoes... feeling alone, scared, and overwhelmed

A c-section is the only major abdominal surgery where you have a new babe(s) to care for, you just went through an entire 9 months of pregnancy you have to rebuild from, AND you are now left to recover from this major surgery with the only guidance given to you is don't lift more than your baby!

I've been where you are and if I didn't follow the recovery laid out in my course my recovery would have looked vastly different and NOT in a good way...

I would have been scared to move, I wouldn't have known what was safe and not safe for my body, I wouldn't have touched my scar, I'd have been plagued by constant low back pain, my core would have stayed feeling weak and non functional ...   

But Mamas there IS hope! 

 With My Course You Can...

Hasten your recovery from Day 1 including gentle exercises you can do just laying in the hospital bed

Advocate for yourself in the hospital including how to move, how to get in and out of bed, how to lift your new babe... you'll be confident in how to tackle those first days

Learn exercises and stretches to prevent or reduce low back pain caused from swelling, core weakness, scar tissue...

Prevent or heal the classic c-section shelf through scar tissue massage and deep core strengthening 

Start touching and working on your scar as early as week 1 to prevent scar tissue build up that can lead to scar pain and numbness, painful intimacy, bladder issues, bowel issues, low back pain...

Progress through gentle core work to gain the core strength needed to feel strong and connected to your core again, heal your diastasis, and rid the classic "mom pooch" 

Have access to a virtual course for full body healing at any point after your c-section that can be taken at your own pace and on your own time that you can have access to FOR LIFE!

I'm Ready To Conquer My C-Section

 Who is this For? 

Any mama who has had a c-section who is ready to finally heal her body and take back the strength her c-section took away

Any mama planning a c-section who wants to prepare and recover fully

Whether you're day 1 post-op or its been 20 years since your c-section you WILL heal and achieve the goals you've always wanted from this course

Even the mamas who pushed and had an emergency c-section, this course is for you

Mamas hoping for a VBAC, this course will help give you the tools to make that happen

 Who is this NOT For? 

Any woman who's most recent delivery was a vaginal delivery (check out my vaginal recovery course)

Any woman who has never had a c-section or is not planning one

Any woman with unresolved chronic pelvic or abdominal pain 

I'm Ready To Recover

Are YOU Ready? 

This course is delivered to you week by week until you have all 6 weeks of the course, once you have the full course its yours FOR LIFE

This course is divided into strengthening, stretching, and scar work sections designed to give you full body healing

You WILL walk away from this course with more knowledge, more strength and a healthier and happier core, scar, and body

All designed and taught by myself, Dr. Nicole 

You will gain access to exercise videos, multiple handouts, access to our group page and Dr. Nicole,  to give you individualized support and meet you where you are in your journey

I completed this EXACT course for my c-section recovery and it is doable as a mom with weekly checklist that are easy to do and conquer for your healing

Click the link below to start your lifetime access to my virtual course today!

I'm on the other side mama and I can tell you IT IS POSSIBLE to get back to what you love, be pain free, gain strength, and feel yourself again after your c-section!

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole 🤍

I'm Ready To Grab My Spot